Saturday, August 1, 2009

Steamed Halibut Wrapped in Swiss Chard Leaves

June 2009 514This is one of those waistline-friendly recipes that tastes great and you can pull together and cook in 15 minutes. Even if you don’t have Swiss chard, you can use spinach or any leafy green – but Swiss chard remains my favorite. Besides, I’ve still got a nice crop growing in the garden and waiting to be used.

June 2009 361  This is hardly a recipe though. Start out with a raw Swiss chard leaf and remove the thickest part of the rib. Set that aside for another recipe. Those ribs are great in a soup or gratineed in a casserole. Then place a chunk of raw fish on the leaf. I used halibut but I could see this with cod, or sea bass or even large scallops – any thick-fleshed fish. Sprinkle with salt and pepper before beginning the wrap and add some herbs – dill, thyme or parsley are good choices. Start wrapping the fish around one part of the leaf, continuing with the other half of the leaf. Don’t worry if you accidentally cut it all the way through while cutting out the rib. Just fold the leaves around the fish and continue rolling.

June 2009 364It should looks something like this when you’re finished wrapping:

June 2009 509 Steam for about 5 minutes or until done. Serve with lemon or your favorite sauce. Here it’s served with my mango salsa.

June 2009 370

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  1. Oh I love this. The mango salsa just sets it off. Beautiful!

  2. Linda,
    You get the nicest pcs of halibut.
    I remember you said you buy it at the local fish monger.
    I can't seam to find halibut that looks decent (such teeny uneven pcs) up by me!
    Beautiful dish, as always!

  3. Your halibut looks great! Believe it or not, this is very close to what I have planned for dinner tonight. Can't wait.

  4. Gorgeous halibut and sounds so delicious wrapped in swiss chard leaves and with mango salsa!

  5. Can I come over and have some..?! This looks oh so good!

  6. Oh I think this is a beautiful dish!

  7. Halibut and swiss chard are two favorites! That is a beautiful thick piece of halibut...mmmmm....I can almost taste it!
